TradeWars turns 25

TradeWars 25th Anniversary EditionTradeWars is 25 years old!

To celebrate 25 years of TradeWars, EIS is releasing a special 25th anniversary edition of TWGS. This new release features a free starter package that includes support for one active TradeWars game and a single remote connection. Practice your trading skills and compete against AI-controlled alien races, explore the editors and create your own custom aliens, planets and ships. The free starter package is fully functional, including all TWGS functionality as well as every TradeWars feature, even the Gold extensions!

If you decide you’d like the flexibility of running more than one game at a time, or you’d like to support more than one remote connection, simply order as many additional game slots ($2 each) and player connections ($3 each) as you need (limit $10 per order). This new pricing model is designed to allow anyone to explore this classic game for free, while continuing to place a premium on large publicly hosted sites.

If you’ve registered TWGS in the past, your upgrade to TWGS v2 is free! All of your game slots and nodes will be available to you once you’ve entered your existing registration code. If you have lost your code, EIS has it on record and will send it to you on request.




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