

TradeWars StarDock with Logo t-shirt

TradeWars StarDock with Logo t-shirt

TradeWars StarDock image with logo on a variety of clothing items for men and women.

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NOTE: These items are sold “at cost”. EIS will earn nothing from your purchase. If you purchase one of these items, please consider donating to support future TradeWars development.


TradeWars StarDock sweatshirt

TradeWars StarDock sweatshirt

TradeWars StarDock image WITHOUT logo on a variety of clothing items for men and women.

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NOTE: These items are sold “at cost”. EIS will earn nothing from your purchase. If you purchase one of these items, please consider donating to support future TradeWars development.


TradeWars Grimy Trader "Asteroids" value t-shirt

TradeWars Grimy Trader "Asteroids" value t-shirt

TradeWars Grimy Trader t-shirt with the phrase “Asteroids? I had ’em once. Try Preparation A”.

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NOTE: These items are sold “at cost”. EIS will earn nothing from your purchase. If you purchase one of these items, please consider donating to support future TradeWars development.


TradeWars Underground t-shirt

Premium TradeWars Underground t-shirt

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NOTE: These items are sold “at cost”. EIS will earn nothing from your purchase. If you purchase one of these items, please consider donating to support future TradeWars development.

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